Recenzija K-Beauty preparata / 16brand, rom&nd, I'm meme, VT cosmetics, Huxley, Thelab by Blanc Doux, Coxir, Mediheal

By Aleksandra Popović - Friday, March 26, 2021


Zdravo! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog! Današnji post posvećen je Korejskim preparatima. Ukoliko me prati na Instagramu, znate da sam redovno postavljala recenzije. Ipak ukoliko ste propustili recenzije, u postu možete pročitati svaku. Uživajte!

Hello! Welcome back to my blog! Today's post is dedicated to Korean beauty products. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I posted reviews regularly. However, if you missed the reviews, you can read each in the post. Enjoy!

16brand, rom&nd, I'm meme


Sixteen karmin (16brand) -> oduševila sam se pakovanjem. Pomislila sam da je u pitanju čokoladica, ali sam shvatila da je u pitanju karmin. U pitanju je lepa crvena nijansa koja mi se jako dopala.

Pep balzam -> u pitanju je nijansa 001 recharger. Dolazi u providnoj kutijici. Pigmentacija je odlična! Nisam do sada videla ovako pigmentovan balzam za usne. Kada se nanese na usne izgleda jako prirodno! Oduševljena sam!

Milk tea velvet tint ( rom&nd) -> sledeći proizvod je karmin. U pitanju je nijansa 02 chocolate tea. Nijansa je tamnija koja vuče na boju čokolade, kao što i sam naziv kaže. Ne isušuje usne. Četkica je baš dobra.

Juicy lasting tint (rom&nd) -> poslednji proizvod koji želim da vam predstavim je još jedan karmin. U pitanju je nijansa 11 pink pumpkin. Kao i prošli karmin, lagane je formule, četkica je isto jako dobra. Ne isušuje usne i idealan je za svaki dan!

Kako izgledaju na ruci, možete pogledati na poslednjoj slici. Nijanse idu ovako:
1. Sixteen karmin (16brand)
2. Pep balzam
3. Juicy lasting tint
4. Milk tea velvet tint


Sixteen lipstick (16brand) -> I was delighted with the packaging. I thought it was chocolate, but I realized it was lipstick. It is a beautiful red shade that I really liked.

Pep balm -> it is a shade 001 recharger. Comes in a transparent box. The pigmentation is great! I have never seen such a pigmented lip balm. When applied to the lips it looks very natural! I am thrilled!

Milk tea velvet tint (rom & nd) -> the next product is lipstick. It is a shade 02 chocolate tea. The shade is darker which draws on the color of chocolate, as the name suggests. It does not dry out the lips. The brush is really good.

Juicy lasting tint (rom & nd) -> the last product I want to present to you is another lipstick. It is a shade of 11 pink pumpkin. Like the last lipstick, it has a light formula, the brush is also very good. It does not dry out the lips and is ideal for every day!

You can see what they look like on your hands in the last picture. The shades go like this:
1. Sixteen lipstick (16brand)
2. Pep balm
3. Juicy lasting tint
4. Milk tea velvet tint

 VT cosmetics



Glavni sastojak ovih preparata je azijska biljka koja se naziva Tigrova trava. Benefiti ove biljke su što hidrira kožu, posvetljuje kožu, tretira akne i bubuljice, smanjuje crvenilo, hidrira kožu...


The main ingredient of these preparations is an Asian plant called Tiger grass. The benefits of this plant are that it hydrates the skin, brightens the skin, treats acne and pimples, reduces redness, hydrates the skin ...

Cica tone-up and capsule mask 


Cica tone-up mask -> poboljšava elastičnost kože i hidrira je. U pitanju je sheet maska. Ovu masku sam dala majci da je isproba jer smatram da nije za moje godine. Prenela mi je da joj je lepo hidrirala kožu, nije dala neprijatan osećaj zatezanja nakon korišćenja maske. Sve u svemu, zadovoljna je pa je njena ocena 10.

Cica capsule mask -> benefiti ove maske su što umiruje umornu kožu, uklanja mrtve ćelije sa kože i nepotreban sebum, hidrira kožu.
Nakon što se opere lice i nanese toner, vreme je za Cica masku u kapsuli. Treba je ostaviti 10-15 minuta i nakon toga isprati je mlakom vodom. Kao i krema za lice i ovaj preparat mi je odgovarao. Nisam imala neželjena dejstva u vidu crvenila ili bubuljica. Sasvim lepo mi je hidrirala kožu i učinila je mekanom i glatkom. Konačna ocena je 10!


Cica tone-up mask -> improves skin elasticity and hydrates it. It is a sheet mask. I gave this mask to my mother to try on because I think it’s not for my age. She told me that the mask hydrated her skin nicely,   She is satisfied, so her grade is 10.

Cica capsule mask -> benefits of this mask are that it soothes tired skin, removes dead cells from the skin and unnecessary sebum, hydrates the skin.
After washing your face and applying toner, it's time for Cica's mask in a capsule. It should be left for 10-15 minutes and then rinsed with lukewarm water. Like the face cream, this product suited me. I did not have any side effects in the form of redness or pimples. It hydrated my skin quite nicely and made it soft and smooth. The final score is 10!

Cica cream


Cica cream -> ova krema namenjena je dubokoj hidrataciji kože. Ne ostavlja mastan trag i kada se nanese na kožu jako brzo upija.
Koristila sam je ujutru i uveče, kao što je i preporuka. Tekstura kreme je kao vrsta gela, pa je potrebna vrlo mala količina za celo lice. Primetila sam da mi koža izgleda lepše od kako je koristim. Takodje, bubuljice su mi se smanjile. Imam samo reči hvale za ovu kremu, zbog toga dajem joj ocenu 10!


Cica cream -> this cream is intended for deep skin hydration. It does not leave a greasy trail and when applied to the skin it absorbs very quickly.
I used it in the morning and in the evening, as recommended. The texture of the cream is like a kind of gel, so a very small amount is needed for the whole face. I have noticed that my skin looks nicer than how I use it. Also, my pimples have shrunk. I only have words of praise for this cream, that's why I give it a grade of 10!

Huxley, Thelab by Blanc Doux

The lab by blanc doux oligo hyaluronic acid calming+cream


 The lab by blanc doux oligo hyaluronic acid calming+cream -> ovu kremu dala sam majci da isproba jer sadrži hijaluronsku kiselinu. Ne koristim još uvek preparate za negu lica sa hijaluronskom kiselinom jer sam mlada.
Pre nego što vam prenesem utiske moje majke, napisaću benefite i način korišćenja ove kreme.
Krema je namenjena svim tipovima kože. Pruža dubinsku hidrataciju i umiruje lice.
Mala količina kreme treba da se nanese na lice, zatim da se nežno razmaže.
Moja majka je poprilično zadovoljna the lab kremom. Prenela mi je da lepo hidrira lice kao što i piše u benefitima i da daje sjaj koži. Nije imala nikakve reakcije u vidu crvenila.
Ova krema je od sada sastavni deo njene rutine i ocena koju joj daje je 10.


The lab by blanc doux oligo hyaluronic acid calming + cream -> I gave this cream to my mother to try because it contains hyaluronic acid. I still don't use facial care products with hyaluronic acid because I'm young.
Before I share my mother's impressions, I will write about the benefits and how to use this cream.
The cream is intended for all skin types. Provides deep hydration and soothes the face.
A small amount of cream should be applied to the face, then gently smeared.
My mother is quite happy with the lab cream. She told me that it nicely hydrates the face, as it says in the benefits, and that it gives the skin a glow. She did not have any reactions in the form of redness.
This cream is now an integral part of her routine and the grade she gives is 10.

Huxley secret of sahara oil essence 


Huxley secret of sahara oil essence-> prvo što bih želela da pohvalim je pakovanje. Prelepo je! Nisam videla lepše pakovanje do sada! Što se tiče preparata, u pitanju je ulje koje hrani kožu i pruža dubinsku hidrataciju. Namenjeno je svim tipovima kože.
Sa obzirom da imam kombinovan tip/masan tip kože, uplašila sam se da ovo ulje neće da mi odgovara i da će mi izazvati nepravilnosti. Medjutim, kada se nanese na lice, ne ostavlja mastan trag i imaćete utisak da uopše ne nanosite ulje. Jedino što bih napomenula je da ga ne koristim kada imam neke nepravilnosti na koži ! Samo kada mi je lice čisto i bez nepravilnosti!
Zaboravila sam da napišem da je miris jako prijatan. Ovaj preparat me je oduševio pa mu dajem ocenu 10!


Huxley secret of sahara oil essence-> the first thing I would like to praise is the packaging. It's beautiful! I haven't seen a nicer package so far! As for the preparation, it is an oil that nourishes the skin and provides deep hydration. It is intended for all skin types.
Since I have a combination type / oily skin type, I was afraid that this oil would not suit me and would cause irregularities. However, when applied to the face, it leaves no greasy residue and you will have the impression that you are not applying the oil at all. The only thing I would mention is that I don’t use it when I have some skin imperfections! Only when my face is clean and free of imperfections!
I forgot to write that the smell is very pleasant. I was delighted with this product, so I give it a grade of 10!

Coxir, Mediheal

Coxir black snail collagen cream


Coxir black snail collagen cream ->  Coxir kremu je isprobala moja majka. Smatram da nije za moje godine i da sam još uvek  jako mlada za ovakve kreme. Moja majka je i više nego zadovoljna. Nije se susrela do sada sa ovakvom teksturom kreme, pa joj je trebalo malo vremena da se navikne. Medjutim, kada se krema nanese na lice, brzo upija i ne ostavlja mastan trag. Dubinski joj je hidrirala lice nakon prvog nanošenja. Napomenula bih da je potrebna jako mala količina za celo lice. Konačna ocena je 10!


Coxir black snail collagen cream -> My mother tried Coxir cream. I think that it is not for my age and that I am still very young for creams like this. My mother is also more than satisfied. She has not encountered this kind of cream texture so far, so it took her a while to get used to it. However, when the cream is applied to the face, it absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue. She deeply hydrated her face after the first application. I would mention that a very small amount is needed for the whole face. The final score is 10!



Sledeća dva proizvoda su sheet maske brenda Mediheal. Mislim da ste do sada svi čuli za ovaj brend i njihove kvalitetne maske.

N.M.F aquaring ampoule mask mi je izuzetno prijala. Iako nisam veliki ljubitelj sheet maski, ova me je oduševila. Na čisto lice sam nanela masku i sačekala 10-20min. Hidrirala mi je lice i pružila joj sjaj. Nisam imala nikakvu iritaciju. Imate moje iskrene preporuke.

Što se tiče TeaTree calming maske, nisam je još isprobala. Verujem da je i ona fenomenalna kao i prethodna.


The next two products are Mediheal sheet masks. I think by now you have all heard of this brand and their quality masks.

The N.M.F aquaring ampoule mask was extremely pleasing to me. Although I’m not a big fan of sheet masks, this one thrilled me. I applied the mask on a clean face and waited for 10-20 minutes. It hydrated my face and gave it a glow. I didn't have any irritation. You have my sincere recommendations.

As for the TeaTree calming mask, I haven’t tried it yet. I believe that she is as phenomenal as the previous one.

Ukoliko poručujete sa sajta iskoristite moj kod BYALEXPOPOVIC

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1 коментара

  1. I ja sam pomislila za Sixteen karmin, kada sam ga vidjela na slici, da je čokoladica. 😅 Nisam probala ove proizvode, ali mi djeluju kvalitetno. Divan post. 🤗
