Recenzija K-Beauty preparata / madforcos, rom&nd

By Aleksandra Popović - Friday, May 14, 2021

Zdravo! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog! Današnji post posvećen je brendovima madforcos i rom&nd. Ukoliko me pratite na Instagramu, znate da sam već pisala recenzije o nekim proizvodima koje sam dobila. Ako ste propustili neku od recenzija, možete je pročitati u ovom postu. Uživajte. 

Hello! Welcome back to my blog! Today's post is dedicated to the brands madforcos and rom & nd. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’ve already written reviews about some of the products I’ve received. If you missed any of the reviews, you can read it in this post. Enjoy.

rom&nd lipsticks


Glasting water tint -> Nijansa koju sam dobila je 05 Rose Splash. Prvo što bih pohvalila je pakovanje, dopalo mi se na prvi pogled. Pigmentacija ovog ruža/sjaja je fenomenalna. Posebno mi se dopalo i što nije lepljiv i što hidrira usne.

Zero matte lipstick -> Nijansa koju sam dobila je 02 all that jazz.  U pitanju je divna crvenkasta nijansa. Kao i kod prethodnog karmina i ovde bih pohvalila izgled pakovanja. Pigmentacija je sasvim dobra i karmin ne isušuje usne.

Zero velvet tint -> Ovaj tečni karmin je u nijansi 02 joyful. Slične je nijanse kao prethodni karmin, ali je pigmentacija kod ovog tečnog ruža jača. Dopalo mi se što ne isušuje usne iako je u pitanju tečni karmin. Aplikator je precizan, pa se vrlo lako nanosi.

Kako izgledaju nijanse, pogledajte na poslednjoj slici. Nijanse idu ovako:

1. Zero velvet tint 02 joyful
2. Zero matte lipstick 02 all that jazz
3. Glasting water tint 05 rose splash


Glasting water tint -> The shade I got is 05 Rose Splash. The first thing I would praise is the packaging, I liked it at first sight. The pigmentation of this lipstick is phenomenal. I especially liked that it is not sticky and that it hydrates the lips.

Zero matte lipstick -> The shade I got is 02 all that jazz. It is a wonderful reddish shade. As with the previous lipstick, I would like to praise the look of the packaging. The pigmentation is quite good and the lipstick does not dry out the lips.

Zero velvet tint -> This liquid lipstick is in shade 02 joyful. It has similar shades as the previous lipstick, but the pigmentation of this liquid lipstick is stronger. I liked that it doesn’t dry out my lips even though it’s a liquid lipstick. The applicator is precise, so it is very easy to apply.

Take a look at the shades in the last picture. The shades go like this:

1. Zero velvet tint 02 joyful
2. Zero matte lipstick 02 all that jazz
3. Glasting water tint 05 rose splash

Madforcos Hand Mask


Na ženi se uvek primete ruke. Da bi ruke bile nežne i mekane kao svila, kreme nekada nisu dovoljne. Treba koristiti i kvalitetne maske za dubinsku regeneraciju i hidrataciju ruku. To vam nudi @madforcos Milky Moisture hand mask.

U kutiji se nalazi pet pari maski za ruke. U svakoj kesici se nalaze rukavice koje se prilagodjavaju veličini ruke. Serum kojim su rukavice natopljene, ne curi već za razliku od drugih brendova, ostaje u rukavici i dubinski hidrira ruke.

Rukavice bi trebalo da se drže 15 minuta ili dok sami ne osetite da je koža upila serum.

Miris je veoma prijatan, ruke su nakon tretmana zaista mekane, oporavljene, čak i kod grube i oštećene kože.

Moja ocena je 10! Preporučujem da isprobate ovaj proizvod. Nećete se razočarati!

Nakon tretmana @madforcos maskom za ruke - “YOUR HANDS WILL THANK YOU”


Women always notice their hands. To keep your hands as soft and soft as silk, creams are sometimes not enough. You should also use quality masks for deep regeneration and hydration of the hands. 

There are five pairs of hand masks in the box. Each bag contains gloves that adjust to the size of the hand. The serum with which the gloves are soaked does not leak, but unlike other brands, it stays in the glove and deeply hydrates the hands.

Gloves should be kept for 15 minutes or until you feel that the skin has absorbed the serum.

The smell is very pleasant, the hands are really soft after the treatment, recovered, even with rough and damaged skin.

My rating is 10! I recommend you try this product. You will not be disappointed!

After treatment with @madforcos hand mask - "YOUR HANDS WILL THANK YOU"

Madforcos foot mask


Predstavljam vam Silky Coconut oil foot mask tj masku za negu stopala. U pitanju je brend @madforcos
Velika mi je čast što sam dobila priliku da isprobam njihove nove preparate.

U kutiji se nalazi pet kesica maski za stopala. U svakoj kesici se nalaze po dve maske, po jedna za svako stopalo. Kada se stave na stopala trebaju da se pričvrste stikerom. Dopada mi se što proizvod ne curi ukoliko hodate dok ih imate na nogama. To je problem kod svih maski drugih brendova. Kod madforcos maski za stopala to nije problem.

Moram priznati da ne negujem svoja stopala. Nemam tu naviku.  Moja stopala su tokom zime i hladnih perioda suva i gruba. Nadala sam se da će mi ovaj proizvod pomoći kod tog problema. I jeste!

Maske treba držati 15-20 minuta ili dok vaša stopala ne upiju sadržaj iz kesice. Nakon toga ostatak treba umasirati.

Odmah nakon skidanja maske može se primetiti drastična razlika. Stopala su mekana i nisu suva kao ranije. Moja konačna ocena je 10! Oduševljena sam! Imate moje iskrene preporuke!

Nakon upotrebe ovog proizvoda:


I present to you the Silky Coconut oil foot mask. It's the @madforcos brand
It is a great honor for me to have the opportunity to try their new preparations.

There are five bags of foot masks in the box. There are two masks in each bag, one for each foot. When placed on the feet, they should be attached with a sticker. I like that the product doesn’t leak if you walk while you have them on your feet. This is a problem with all masks of other brands. With madforcos foot masks this is not a problem.

I have to admit I don’t nurture my feet. I don't have that habit. My feet are dry and rough during the winter and cold periods. I was hoping this product would help me with this problem. And it is!

Masks should be kept for 15-20 minutes or until your feet absorb the contents of the bag. After that, the rest should be massaged.

Immediately after removing the mask, a drastic difference can be noticed. The feet are soft and not as dry as before. My final grade is 10! I am thrilled! You have my sincere recommendations!

After using this product:

rom&nd zero chusion and zero layer foundation


Mogli ste da pročitate moje utiske o rom&nd ruževima. Radovala sam se što imam priliku da isprobam i puder ovog brenda. Pakovanje mi se kao i uvek jako dopalo.

 Dobila sam nijansu 02 natural ivory. Zabrinula sam se da mi nijansa neće odgovarati, ali se nakon nanošenja na moju kožu puder odlično prilagodio tenu. Ima srednje pokrivnu moć i vrlo je lagan na koži, nećete ga ni osetiti. 

Vrlo je bitno da ovaj puder setujete puderom u kamenu. Ja uvek koristim providan puder, navikla sam se na takve pudere u kamenu i ne menjam tu naviku. 

Smatram da je ovaj puder idealan izbor za letnji period. Moja konačna ocena je 10.


You could read my impressions of rom & nd lipsticks. I was looking forward to the opportunity to try the powder of this brand. As always, I really liked the packaging.

  I got shade 02 natural ivory. I was worried that the shade would not suit me, but after applying it on my skin, the powder adapted perfectly to my skin. It has medium coverage power and is very light on the skin, you won't even feel it.

It is very important that you set this powder with stone powder. I always use transparent powder, I'm used to such powders in stone and I don't change that habit.

I think that this powder is an ideal choice for the summer period. My final grade is 10.


Sledeći proizvod o kome vam pišem je zero chusion. Do sada nisam imala priliku da isprobam chusion. Međutim, ovaj proizvod mi se jako dopao. Pokrivna moć je fenomenalna. Vrlo je lagan na koži i idealan je za svaki dan. 
Mislim da je više za dnevnu varijantu, ali ukoliko volite neutralnu šminku može se koristiti i za večernju varijantu.  Najbolje je da se nanosi sunđerom koji dolazi uz sam proizvod, ali sam ga ja ipak dodatno blendala jer sam se tako navikla. 
Koža izgleda zdravo i sveže nakon nanošenja chusion-a  , pa nema potrebe da se setuje sa puderom u kamenu. Moja konačna ocena je 10.


The next product I am writing about is zero chusion. So far I haven’t had a chance to try chusion. However, I really liked this product. The covering power is phenomenal. It is very light on the skin and is ideal for every day.
 I think it is more for the daytime variant, but if you like neutral make-up, it can also be used for the evening variant. It is best applied with a sponge that comes with the product itself, but I blended it even more because I got used to it.
The skin looks healthy and fresh after applying the chusion, so there is no need to set it with stone powder. My final grade is 10! 

Ukoliko poručujete sa sajta iskoristite moj kod BYALEXPOPOVIC

If you order from the site use code BYALEXPOPOVIC 

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